On October 12, 2022, The Henry Project embarked on a journey from Kyiv to Bakhmut, eager to provide aid and support to the people affected by the ongoing conflict. As the team left the city early in the morning, an air alarm pierced the air, serving as a stark reminder of the dangers they would face. Undeterred, they embarked on their mission in a hatchback Mazda, a vehicle that had previously endured the shattering impact of a missile blast.
Arriving in Chasiv Yar, a small village just north of Bakhmut, shortly before 9:00 pm, the team settled into the safe house that would serve as their base during their time in the region. However, they soon discovered that there was no hot water or working heating system. Given the proximity of the safe house to the front lines, it was crucial for them to minimize any signs of activity after dark. They meticulously turned down all the lights and covered the windows, ensuring their presence remained unnoticed.
Before retiring for the night, the team gathered for a brief meeting to discuss the plan of action for the upcoming day. It was vital for everyone to be prepared and on the same page. Each team member bundled up in extra layers, bracing themselves for the cold night ahead.
In the middle of the night, Johnathan, one of the team members, was abruptly awakened by loud bangs. Initially mistaking it for the sound of snoring team members, he soon realized that it was missile fire and shelling taking place outside. While others seemed undisturbed and continued to sleep, this jarring experience brought the harsh realities of the conflict closer to home for Johnathan.

The next morning, the team rose promptly and readied themselves for the day ahead. After a quick breakfast, they divided into two groups. The primary objective of The Henry Project was to deliver bags of food aid to the desperate residents of Bakhmut, urging them to evacuate the city as soon as possible. Beyond providing sustenance, their aim was to offer these individuals a way out, distributing cards with contact numbers for arranging safe evacuation.
Leaving the safety of their base, Johnathan’s senses were overwhelmed by the sights and sounds that greeted him in Bakhmut. The devastating impact of missiles was evident in the craters that scarred the once-vibrant city. Witnessing the wreckage and stepping over dirt and cement-stained crimson with blood, it was impossible not to ponder the immense human suffering that had occurred here.

As The Henry Project continued their mission and returned to their safe house, they received calls from families desperately seeking evacuation. These families had found alternative places to go but lacked the means to get there. Recognizing the urgency of the situation, the team dedicated the following day to rescuing these families, providing them with a lifeline to safety. Amidst the uncertainties of the conflict, the team couldn’t help but wonder about the fate of those they had encountered. Would they survive? Would they ever cross paths again? All they could do was hold on to the hope that their efforts had made a difference, offering solace and a glimmer of optimism in the face of war.
“The Henry Project’s” journey to Bakhmut proved to be a profound awakening. While observing the events of the conflict from a distance through television screens offers some understanding, being present among the affected people imparts a deep sense of reality. The resilience, strength, and courage displayed by the Ukrainian people left an indelible impression on the team.